Pamela Forward published Former Public Servant Alleges Fraud and Abuse of Authority. Pleads with Treasury Board President to Do Something. in Blog Posts 2024-07-10 18:42:33 -0400
Former Public Servant Alleges Fraud and Abuse of Authority . Pleads with Treasury Board President to Do Something.
Excerpt from Letter to Hon. Anita Anand, MP, Treasury Board President responsible for how the PSDPA is implemented.
May 1, 2024
Treasury Board President and Honourable Member of Parliament Anita Anand, within weeks after I was hired under the Veterans Hiring Act, and moved to Vancouver Island from my home in Calgary, Alberta to work with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Pacific Region/Canadian Coast Guard Western Region, I was being forced into and witnessed millions of dollars of Wrongdoings, Corruption, Fraud, and Gross Abuse of Public Funds taking place. Credit Card Fraud, Hospitality Abuse, and Travel Abuse were the first incidents I saw taking place.
I served in the Canadian Armed Forces Army Logistics Branch supporting Conventional and Non-Conventional (Special Operations) units, Sovereignty Operations, NATO, and United Nations Operations overseas for thirty (30) years from 1983 – 2013. I was one of thousands of Administrative Officers, Finance Officers, and members of my Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) who were questioned by the former Special Investigations Unit (SIU) later retitled National Investigations Unit (NIS) after the SOMALIA INQUIRY and the book TARNISHED BRASS – CRIME AND CORRUPTION IN THE CANADIAN MILITARY exposed everything going on in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Some of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Officers retired, collecting military pensions, and working for the Canadian Coast Guard basically took the playbook from the 1980’s – 1990’s and used it on the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) who to this day I actually believe did not know what was going on. The MODUS OPERANDI used in the military I saw taking place in the Canadian Coast Guard Western Region using Abuse of Authority and Power over subordinates below them in the chain of command. Using FEAR!
Subordinates and Peers at the Canadian Coast Guard Western Region located at 25 Huron Street told me before and after my disclosures to the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commission of Canada (OPSICC) in late 2018/early 2019 (References, A, B, C) under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA) that they were genuinely afraid of the former Royal Canadian Navy Pacific Fleet Commander Rear Admiral (Retired) who was our Assistant Commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Western Region. They were scared to oppose, say NO, or report what was going on. PROTECTED B/CONFIDENTIAL
Pamela Forward published CBSA Whistleblower Alleges Destruction of Foreign Passports Potentially Allowing Bad Actors to Enter Canada in Blog Posts 2024-06-13 17:04:06 -0400
CBSA Whistleblower Alleges Destruction of Foreign Passports Potentially Allowing Bad Actors to Enter Canada
As a former public servant, I spent many years of my 26-year career raising concerns internally at my place of work, the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA), the last 8 years of which were very serious, all to no avail.
The wrongdoing put at risk Canada’s relations and credibility with allies of the Canadian government and put at risk national security and international security due to:
- the potentially criminal behaviour which included but not limited to the destruction of foreign Passports that should have been retained for identity purposes and legal purposes in case the wanted individuals were located by any law enforcement agencies in Canada or internationally.
- large volumes of passport information which had gone missing from my desk that was destined to be entered in the Lost Stolen Fraudulent Database (LSFD).
- actual passport’s which had gone missing from my desk. The information about the passports was to be entered into various CBSA databases for Law enforcement purposes.
As nothing was done internally except for subjecting me to serious reprisals, ultimately, I had to go to external authorities who could have and should have helped but didn’t. This included my federal liberal MP, the Minister responsible, the Prime Minister, the RCMP and the Public Service Integrity Commissioner. It also included testimony in Parliament.
So far, no independent investigation has taken place. The public and our members of parliament do not understand the jeopardy our country is being placed in by the potential entry of bad actors due to the wrongdoing and inaction of responsible authorities including Parliament.
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Pamela Forward published The Easy Grow Story - Inventor alleges collusion by bureaucrats to sabotage development of new technology to grow plants indoors in harsh climates and ensure safety and security of food system. in Blog Posts 2024-06-09 12:57:34 -0400
The Easy Grow Story - Inventor alleges collusion by bureaucrats to sabotage development of new technology to grow plants indoors in harsh climates and ensure safety and security of food system.
Problem & Summary:
The development of a much-needed invention to grow plants indoors and help ensure the safety and security of the food system in difficult climate conditions in Canada and around the world is being blocked by public servants with no explanation.
In February 2017 – I invented and designed a technology for growing plants indoors. The fact my PCT patent application was approved and certified by the Canadian international patent examiner showed that it was unique in the world, and it demonstrated that it had the potential to truly help with the safety and security of the food system. My invention integrated with AI, robotics, machine learning and data analytics will have tremendous benefits to growing plants, especially in some of the most challenging environments as in northern Canada and around the world.
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Pamela Forward published Canadian Ranger's reports alleging theft of taxpayers money ignored by relevant Canadian authorities and mental health weaponized. Calls for independent investigation. in Blog Posts 2024-06-03 11:21:44 -0400
Canadian Ranger's reports alleging theft of taxpayers money ignored by relevant Canadian authorities and mental health weaponized. Calls for independent investigation.
Name: Kirk Riese
Employed by: 4th Canadian Rangers Patrol Group (4CRPG), Canadian Armed Forces Reservists, La Ronge, Saskatchewan. Start date Oct. 2010, End date Oct. 2019 – Medical discharge.
Patrol Commander 4CPRG: Jim Searson, also Red Cross Manager, La Ronge, Saskatchewan.
Section Leader- Sgt. Major, CAF, 4CRPG: Michael Gilliard
Overall Patrol Commander for 4 Canadian Ranger Patrols: Lt. Col. Meades
The 4CRPG elects leaders every two years to prevent fraud.
Main Issue:
I worked for the 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group (4CRPG) since Oct. 2010. I have faced immense reprisals since first reporting wrongdoing which amounts to fraud and theft of taxpayers’ money.
The following is a chronology of events relating to my - Kirk Riese’s – reporting of concerns about wrongdoing involving the 4CRPG - CAF Reservists, La Ronge Indian Band leadership and politicians. The responses to my reports are included.
Chronology of events
- We started off with $100 per day Equipment Usage Rates (EUR) in 2010. I found out later they were using fraudulent sheets, and it was supposed to be $200 per day. Military police confirmed this with me…. in 2019.
- When I signed pay sheet and EUR sheets for the fires in Op Lentus, I was taken off exercise because I confronted my warrant officer xxxxxxxx about Inappropriate sexual conduct towards a civilian. I asked for my pay sheets back as I was taken off exercise. He refused.
- In 2015 I realized we were being requested by xxxxxxxx to sign blank sheets for our Equipment Usage Rates (EUR) before an exercise had started. These should normally be filled in and submitted to patrol commander and warrant officer/ Sgt Major after the fact. EUR sheets were used to submit claims for payment for the use of Reservists’ personal equipment i.e., trucks, snow machines, boats etc. when on exercise or projects. Many people who weren’t going on exercises were signing not only blank EUR sheets but signing Actual pay sheets as well. So they were paid wages for never going on exercises or projects and what happens to the money from their EUR? One week 30 people signed blank sheets and only 8 went on exercise. That’s a lot of cash unaccounted for. I questioned this at this time and no satisfactory answer was given.
- 2015 Tax problems. I wasn’t able to do my taxes as I was never able to get a T-4 in my whole 9 years of service. Neither did my father! All my bank accounts have been seized from 2015 -2019 over $350,000 for not doing taxes. When I finally got my military T-4’s in 2020, I did my taxes. The government owes me over $350,000 back with interest compounded daily since 2015. However, CRA seems to have lost my records.
- 2018 When I tried to complain to xxxxx and xxxxx about the risk of fraud they told me it was not my concern. It appears an attempt was made to bribe me as I was overpaid $4000 for an exercise. I received texts saying “that money is between you and me” and “the cash payment is not public knowledge”.
- Jan 23 2019 – I left Saskatchewan, to go to Edmonton base, as the IDO informed me if I was released prior to making a complaint I could not submit one. Upon arriving xxxxx looked at my evidence and said my case was a level 3 violation and would go straight to the top. However, after he called xxxxx I was informed there was nothing they would do to help… I believe xxxxx was sworn in as a Ranger around that time. I knew my daughter and my sons lives were at risk. I had previously distanced myself from my daughter and family not wanting to bring them into collateral damage…. I had to find a new life until I could repeat my findings as ordered by xxxxx Dec 20, 2018 after I showed him some documentation
- I eventually moved to BC. I haven’t been home to La Ronge since I left in 2019 because of the threats. I had received threats of death and reprisals since 2018 from many members of the rangers. I was finally able to rescue my daughter from a bad home situation after 3 years virtually of no contact.
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Pamela Forward published Ignoring whistleblowers and not enforcing laws cause avoidable deaths. in Blog Posts 2021-10-21 18:25:15 -0400
Ignoring Whistleblowers and Not Enforcing Laws Cause Avoidable Deaths.
The recent CTV -W5 documentary “The Problem with Pills” illustrates in horrific detail, what happens when whistleblowers – often experts in their fields - are ignored and not protected, laws to protect the public are not upheld and policies are diverted from the public interest towards a specific interest. These actions have led us to a place where 22,000 or more innocent Canadians die a year from adverse reactions to legally prescribed drugs.
One W5 participant noted Health Canada had “backed down” from enforcing the many extra powers the Protecting Canadians from Unsafe Drugs Act (Vanessa's Law) gave it. The Food and Drugs Act and Vanessa’s Law are part of criminal law in Canada. And Health Canada does not uphold it? The main message from the participants was – do not trust Health Canada to protect you from unsafe drugs. How have we arrived at such a dark place?
Here’s how. In 1996 the top medical regulator from Health Canada, Dr. Michele Brill-Edwards, tried to warn us that not enforcing the law, deregulation and shifts in priorities taking place at the Department were leading to more deaths from unsafe drugs. She sacrificed her career to speak out in the interest of public safety but her message went unheeded. Many knowledgeable others have also tried to warn us:
- The Auditor General - warned us and Parliament a number of times about the deficiencies in the regulatory body – Health Canada- which included funding and staff cuts among many others.
- Researchers - starting in 2000 with Wiktorowicz’s work , Shifting priorities at the Health Protection Branch: challenges to the regulatory process. Also, there is the work of 16 researchers in the Fall 2013 issue of The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics on the topic of Institutional Corruption and the Pharmaceutical Policy. They clarify how certain practices have corrupted medical research, the production of medical knowledge, the practice of medicine, drug safety and Regulatory oversight of pharmaceutical marketing.
- The Media – alerted us over the years with stories of unsafe drugs.
Almost 25 years later, the media and W5 are warning us again, about needless Canadian deaths from unsafe drugs.
The reasons for this are:
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May 16, 2021
News Alert!!
The Consequences to Canadians of Ignoring Truth-Tellers and Project Sidewinder Some Thirty Years Ago - Election interference is the least of the problems.
The stories of individual Canadians who expose wrong-doing in organizations demonstrate clearly the pain and devastation that is inflicted on them for daring to do their jobs with integrity. As ordinary Canadians, we do not support these aberrant behaviours of some authorities in organizations we should be able to trust.
What is often not so clear though, are the consequences to the larger society as a result of the sometimes brutal and barbaric way our organizations treat our fellow Canadians for exposing problems. And they usually do not go public unless they have tried to get the problems rectified internally first. This page is dedicated to the truth-tellers who told their truths years ago, and the negative consequences to all of us for ignoring them which are finally coming to light.
This is one of those stories. The story began in the early 1990's when Brian McAdam, a senior immigration official at Foreign Affairs noticed irregular behaviours at the Canadian High Commission in Hong Kong where he was posted. It started with Brian suddenly seeing files of "undesirables" disappear from his computer. He was being hacked. This was witnessed by an RCMP Officer posted there at the time, as it was occurring. An RCMP investigation ensued. The findings involved bribery, forgery of visas, and profiteering which benefited members of Chinese Triads seeking to enter Canada and others. When Brian raised what he saw with superiors at Foreign Affairs he was ostracized, ignored, his career ended and his health harmed. Others also tried to raise the alarm but were also ignored by superiors in the bureaucracy, and at the political level up to and including relevant Ministers and the Prime Minister at the time.
Another key figure was Cpl. Robert Read, an experienced RCMP member who realized the seriousness of the evidence and conducted the investigation as did CSIS. Eventually the findings of the investigation went into a report called "Project Sidewinder". It was apparently ignored by RCMP superiors, Read was fired when he went public, was dismissed and denigrated by the Federal courts, and in May 2007, our Supreme Court refused to hear the case. The media were active and tried to help, however, not much happened to change the trajectory leading us to were we are today.
The following documents the evolution of events:
The first is an article in the Globe and Mail, published April 29, 2000.
"China set up crime web in Canada, report says"
The second is a document written by Brian McAdam, dated May 30, 2006. He had been invited by a then recently elected Parliamentarian, Pierre Poilievre, to make a submission to the House of Commons Legislative Committee considering the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA) in 2006. This law was to appease public outrage following the Sponsorship Scandal. Unfortunately, Brian never got to submit his document as he was asked to provide a copy before the date of his appearance. Then at the 11th hour, he was notified his appearance had been cancelled. Perhaps if Parliamentarians had heard him, and acted accordingly, the problems we are dealing with today might have been mitigated or even avoided. Here is his aborted submission, copy of which was emailed to me in 2012 to assist in my own research. Sadly Brian died in December, 2022.
"Submission to House Legislative Committee. Bill C-11 as amended by Bill C-2: Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, May 30, 2006. By Brian McAdam."
The third is a CTV - W5 documentary by Tom Clark, April 11, 2011
"How crime bosses emigrate to Canada from Hong Kong"
The last gives us the current status from a book by journalist Sam Cooper, an excerpt from which was in the Sunday Guardian, May 16, 2021,
"Wilful Blindness: How a Network of Narcos, Tycoons and CCP agents infiltrated the West"
This all could have and should have been avoided, if our government organizations 30 years ago had listened to their committed, dedicated, honest Public Servants and responded appropriately as they tried to protect us by doing their jobs.
September 5, 2021
There are more developments in this evolving story. This article was published in Better Dwelling, August 31, 2021. It links ignoring Reed's and McAdam's warnings to today's housing crisis as well.
"Canadian tax authorities confirmed they knew about illicit foreign capital inflating real estate. They first found out over two decades ago, but only confirmed it to the South China Morning Post (SCMP) this week. A whistleblowing, retired auditor first told SCMP journalist Ian Young about the report in 2016. He waited half a decade for a response from the agency, which confirmed the study took place 25 years ago. The situation shares odd circumstances with an intelligence report mentioning foreign capital and real estate, called Sidewinder. Whistleblowers allege both reports, written one year apart, were suppressed for political reasons.
"Canada Hid A Foreign Capital & Housing Study While Dismissing Intelligence Warnings"
This begs the question - how much more evidence of harm to our country is needed before authorities act to protect and encourage honest employees to speak-up when they learn of wrong-doing and guarantee they will be listened to and their allegations seriously, openly and honestly investigated?
Conversations with Legislators
Bill C290 Parliamentary Hearings
April 20, 2023: Watch the video of Bill C290 OGGO Committee hearings as former CBSA Officer, Luc Sabourin, tells Parliamentarians what bosses did to him for refusing illegal/criminal orders
April 19, 2023: Watch the video as Whistleblowing Canada testifies at Parliamentary Hearings by the OGGO Committee in support of MP Jean-Denis Garon's private members Bill C-290 to amend the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act.
Improving Protections in The Federal Whistleblower Protection Law - The Public Servant Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA)
- Additional submission to the Operations and Estimates (OGGO) Committee: April 28, 2023
- Submission to the Operations and Estimates (OGGO) Committee: April 17, 2023
- Letter to the President of the Treasury Board, Minister responsible for the PSDPA regarding flawed Task Force to review PSDPA: December 15, 2022
- Letter to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - Human Rights Committee: July 12, 2021
- Letter to Representatives from each party Inviting participation in an E-forum on parties' position on protection for whistleblowers. August 18, 2021
- Letter to MP Patrick Weiler - Member of the OGGO Committee regarding flawed processes. Feb. 12, 2021.
- Submission to OGGO Committee - Government Response to the Pandemic: Improving Government Response by Addressing Culture and Building (Re-building) Trust. Feb. 2, 2021.
- Letter to President of Treasury Board, Minister Jean-Yves Duclos , PC, MP Aug. 9, 2020.
- Letter to Leaders of the Opposition, Aug. 9, 2020.
- Letter to Leaders in the Senate, Aug. 9, 2020.
September 2021
Statement on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Today, September 30, 2021 marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation declared by Canada’s Federal government.
The day honours the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools and the role of governments is a vital component of the reconciliation process.
We at Whistleblowing Canada Research Society stand with Indigenous Peoples as they press for timely implementation of the calls for change in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action Report. The desire and need for truth before reconciliation can take place as voiced by indigenous leaders must be respected. Truth and openness are key values that help guide us as individuals, in organizations and society as a whole.
As individuals and for organizations, valuing truth means that we can grow, develop and learn from our mistakes. For society, truthfulness makes social bonds and builds trust while lying and hypocrisy break them.
A truthful accounting of and reckoning with our history and relationship with Indigenous Peoples can guide us towards mutual respect, equality and justice and a more hopeful future.
November 2020
Black Lives Matter Statement: In Support of Peace, Tolerance, Equality and Justice for All
The members of the Board of Directors of Whistleblowing Canada are deeply saddened and disturbed by the currents of discontent, violence and intolerance that have surfaced in our country and in that of our neighbors to the south in recent times. In support of those who have been harmed by such forces we make the following statement :
Whistleblowing Canada Research Society condemns racism and all forms of bigotry, hate and discrimination. Current events that have been hard and painful to watch, have demonstrated beyond doubt that we live in a society in which Black People, Indigenous People and other People of Color continue to suffer the effects of structural racism, including health disparities, fewer employment opportunities and violence by agents of the state.
As such, Whistleblowing Canada stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement which affirms the inherent worth and dignity of the individual and their right to equal treatment under the law. We can and must do better to ensure a more inclusive, just society – one where there is no tolerance for acts of racism and hatred. It starts with each of us as individuals as we take action to challenge such acts whenever we see them so we can all live a better tomorrow.
Whistleblowing Canada will, from time to time, publish on this web site, in Journals and in the media, Policy briefs and other research and analysis on relevant topics in the Whistleblowing field. We encourage you to make use of them. Should you wish to discuss anything in our publications, please feel free to contact us. Read more.
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International Whistleblowers
From time to time significant whistleblower cases from other countries come to our attention. They will be listed here.
Whistleblowing Canada learned of the following case while attending the International Whistleblowing Research Network (IWRN) in Utrecht in June 2019. It concerns a whistleblowing case from the Office of United Nation's High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). This whistleblower did battle within the UN's justice system for approximately 15 years until she was finally vindicated and a settlement was reached. It has implications for Canadians as Canadian Taxpayers contribute millions to the UN.
The US's Government Accountability Project put out the following Media Release on June 5, 2018:
Longest-running UN Whistleblower Case Ends with Settlement and UNHCR Statement of Regret
June 5th, 2018
GENEVA – A fifteen-year retaliation case ended today when Caroline Hunt-Matthes, former Senior Investigator at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), settled out of court. After challenging the UNHCR Inspector General’s Office and senior management by insisting on proper investigations of sexual exploitation and abuse, Ms. Hunt-Matthes was subjected to retaliatory termination of her contract. Today, she and her former employer, UNHCR, issued the following joint statement:
“UNHCR accepts that there were matters which in hindsight could have been better managed in relation to the separation. It is a matter of regret that these issues and the lengthy delays have impacted upon Ms. Hunt-Matthes’ employment and personal life. In the interests of both parties in seeing this matter resolved, a mutually satisfactory settlement has been reached today.”
For the full story see the Government Accountabily Project's web site.
The Guardian
Christopher Knaus, Thu 6 Jun 2019 02.35 BST
Whistleblower protections 'a sham', says lawyer whose leaks led to ABC raids
The military lawyer whose leaks prompted this week’s police raids on the ABC has criticised Australia’s whistleblower protections as a “sham”, saying the government is acting like a “totalitarian regime” to shield itself from criticism.
David McBride is facing lengthy jail time for providing documents to the public broadcaster on the conduct of special forces in Afghanistan, which prompted the Wednesday raids.
McBride is far from alone in his plight. Witness K and Bernard Collaery, who revealed Australia’s unlawful 2004 spy operation against Timor-Leste, are facing two years behind bars for their actions, and the Australian Taxation Office whistleblower, Richard Boyle, is facing a lengthy jail sentence for exposing aggressive debt collection tactics that were destroying the lives of vulnerable taxpayers.
Key Supporting Evidence for the study "Law, Culture & Reprisals"
List of Key Supporting Evidence and Sources *
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) Decision T.D.3/96. Mar. 8, 1996 - Shiv Chopra and Human Rights Commission and Dept. of National Health and Welfare
CHRT web site.
Helen Barkley, decision of Public Service Commission re: improper appointment of Director, BHPD, upholding Health Canada Scientist’s Dr. Shiv Chopra’s application re: improper appointment.
Federal Court File No. T-3026-91.
Order of Federal Court in Chopra v Department of National Health and Welfare 1992 to remove unqualified Director and hold new competition.
Federal Court File No. T-2143-92.
Decision of Federal Court re: permanent appointment of Director of BHPD. Dismissed application for review of indeterminate appointment.
Federal Court File No. T-2143-92.
Minutes of Health Canada Ad Hoc Expert Advisory (EAC) Committee on Calcium Channel Blockers meeting Sept. 18, 1995.
Superior Court of Ontario Records – File No. ’96 C.V. 099908, Ottawa, ON.
Memo from Dr. Susan Robertson, Secretary to EAC, to Dr. Krupa, April 4, 1995 expressing concern with how EAC was constituted, participation of staff, etc.
Ontario Court of Appeal, File No. C 34272.
Memo to Minister (David Dingwall) from Deputy Minister Michele Jean, ADM Foster & DG Michols - Feb. 29, 1996 – Re: Fifth Estate Controversy surrounding Health Canada’s approval and monitoring CCB’s.
Appeal Court of Ontario – File No. C 34272. Compendium of Appellants.
Letter to Deputy Minister, Michele Jean from Minister David Dingwall, March 11, 1996 – concerned re: Conflict of Interest.
Appeal Court of Ontario records - File No. C 34272. Compendium of Appellants
Letter to Minister from Deputy Minister Jean, March 13, 1996 in response to C of I concerns.
Access to Information and Privacy 1999
Information Letter, Health Protection Branch, Health Canada. April 12, 1994 regarding appointment of Expert Advisory Committees and including direction on conflict of interest.
Appeal Court of Ontario records - File No. C 34272. Compendium of Appellants
Dr. Leenan’s Draft Dear Doctor letter circulated for comments in BHPD.
Appeal Court of Ontario records - File No. C. 34272.
Dr. Gruchala’s email to Krupa Nov. 22, 1995
re: why Dr. Leenen’s Draft “Dear Doctor” letter could not be sent out the way it was received.
Appeal Court of Ontario records - File No. C. 34272.
Dr. Krupa’s letter to Leenen re: why he changed the Draft Dear Doctor letter Jan. 24, 1996.
Appeal Court of Ontario records - File No. C. 34272.
Health Canada’s Dear Doctor Letter No. 1- Jan. 23, 1996.
Superior Court of Ontario Records – File No. ’96 C.V. 099908, Ottawa, ON
Job description – Assistant Director Medical 1989.
Participant’s records.
Pfizer’s Fax memo to Dr. Leenen re: agreement to be their spokesperson to the media on CCB’s.
Appeal Court of Ontario records File No. C. 34272
Food and Drugs Act – 1990 Regulations.
Authors records.
Dr. Leenen and colleagues promotional letter to Canadian MD’s under cover of Pfizer’s introductory letter, Aug. 22, 1995 assuring them long acting amlodipine (a CCB) was safe when he had told Health Canada he did not know if it was safe. Pfizer acknowledged the letter constituted advertising, it has PAAB stamp of approval.
Appeal Court of Ontario records File No. C. 34272.
Decision of Justice Cunningham in defamation law suit Leenen vs CBC and of Justice Bellingham in defamation law suit Myers v. CBC
Web. CanLII
Letter from nineteen MD’s in BHPD, April 27, 1992 re: elimination of Asst. Dir. Medical post and lack of medical expertise in office of Director as a result
Participants records.
* For copies of specific documents, please click contact