Become a Friend of Whistleblowers

For Whistleblowing Canada supporters and donors who want to actively participate in our work we have developed the “Friend of Whistleblowers" group.

Join “Friends of Whistleblowers” and help demonstrate to government and organizations that Canadians support the most effective anti-corruption mechanism in the world – whistleblowing.   

To grow the numbers of Friends and strengthen the campaign for improvement, you can help by doing the following:

  • Become a social media ambassador by sharing posts from our Facebook, Linkedin, or X pages
  • Join our letter writing campaigns for improved legislation
  • Reach out to your network by sharing posts from our Home Page Notices
  • Encourage others to become a Friend of Whistleblowers and grow the movement

Your support is a commitment to a better country for everyone.

For a tax deductible donation as little as $25.00 you can become a Friend of Whistleblowers and join the movement.

Alternatively, you can make a regular donation on the Donate page.



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