
Panel Sessions & Presentations

November 1, 2023

Whistleblowing Canada participated in a Panel discussion organized by Queen`s University, Smith School of Business on Managing and Auditing Whistleblowing Systems. You can watch the video of the session here. Pamela`s presentation titled Whistleblowing Advocacy and Whistleblowing:  A good citizen's responsibility and burden begins at 5:17.  The Panel was moderated by Prof. Bertrand Malsch.

Participants were, Pamela Forward, Danny Weil and Charles Cron.

February 16, 2023

Whistleblowing Canada participated in a panel discussion at an Ethics conference organized by the Association of Canadian Financial Officers.  The topic was "De-stigmatizing Whistle-blowing".  Participants were Pamela Forward and Kelly Donovan with Moderator Joe Boughner.  Seen here with keynote speaker Marc Tasse.


July 30, 2021

Panel Discussion: International Whistleblowing - Challenges and Opportunities
During National Whistleblower Appreciation Day in the United States - Moderated by Mark Worth

- with Pamela Forward, Gilbert Sendugwa, and Darko Ivanovitch

Watch the Video here.



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