Carmen Ciubotariu commented on On Trauma 2025-01-31 08:56:29 -0500I am searching for a job, anywhere outside the federal agencies, because PSPC revoked my security clearance after working as group leader for 5 days, appreciated for my work ethics-I’ll write the reason below.
It looks like I went too far in my search for justice. I am punished very hard-too hard- for my …stupidity.
2019 January- After a torture of about 3 months, while V creates a very negative and toxic work environment for and around me, I am fired, to her pleasure and satisfaction. LB, the Director at that time, encouraged V in a very cynical and villain way.
I have asked for the support from the union – N – did attend some flash meetings for me and V. I lose all rights to appeal because I’m fired so early in the year.
Many months later, MM-leader from the union- contacts me to say how awful I was treated by V and assigns the analysis of my “file” to J-same as below, but I do not hear from them anything likely due to the covid-19 period.
On October the 24th 2018, there is an online training session about mental health and I felt somehow strongly that I should have my voice heard…by doing copy and paste of the three deeply negative testimonials collected by LB, for my termination file. I feel that many persons should read them in order to realize what torture I have [passed through from September 2018 to January 2019, while working on a CR-04 position, for business support of Workplace 2.0, under the management of Veronique McQuillan whi was recently arrived, transferred and promoted from Environment Canada to PSPC, following her recent marriage to a very influential man whose name I do not know.
In May 2024 some miracle happened and I was hired by Prologic systems, for a ten-months contract, under the management of the same J (didn’t know initially, but he clarified this with me later, at the first attempt to “break-the-untold rules” at a mental health course available to employees of PSPC only, that I was able to attend because the SABA – CSPS system allowed the registration, without a NIP number.
J was very kind with me and told me that there was nothing to do as I was promptly terminated by V and Lucie Boureau. He also explained that LB had made other victims like me and the union succeeded to oblige her go for retirement earlier than she wanted. J also thought that the union would recommend that V is transferred to another Federal department, however, he is surprised to find out, at my 2nd wrong gesture, that V was simply moved to another team within PSPC. My second wrong gesture was to sign up-again- for a course on SABA where…it turned out that V was the instructor-she finds this out the eve of the course session, as we were only two registered persons for her course- I didn’t know either that she was the instructor, until I received the meeting invite in OutLook.
As soon as I confirmed attendance for the session next day, V triggers the security chain that messages/warns J that again Carmen is taking a SABA course without permission. That day, J called for a Teams online meeting, with VdR, me and himself where I had given my word that it wont ever happen again, to sign up for a course for employees-only. However, the course on Civility was the natural continuation of the mental health course that I attended 2 months before, and knowing that V complained for my termination file, that I demonstrated lack of civility during the team meetings and the ombudsman had encouraged her to claim this about my behavior I truly hoped that progress in terms of civility and respect for colleagues has made a great progress, after the covid period.
Indeed, there was an excellent and well prepared session where situations similar to my torture events in 2018-19, were described in the group discussions of the course. So, I couldn’t resist, I became emotional and dared to only type in the chat that V and LB have deteriorated my mental health and life with behaviors very similar to those described during the session. This allowed me realize that I was not the only one that was tortured by employees that are expected to run a human and positive management rather than cynical and negative. The two instructors of the course have immediately requested that I delete my comment from the chat (I had given the two names and I shouldn’t) which I did as soon as I could, however, the course instructors have already reported my actions to security and to J and-or C-the highest level manager of the SPAC team where I was working.
Thus, it turns out that I had accumulated too many non-allowed actions and my security clearance has been cancelled from all placement agencies and I was escorted to the door last Friday, because the current contract that I was so happy to obtain, requires NATO-level secret clearance. Thus, I will not be able to obtain any other agency-found contract with the government of Canada, the main possible employer for “new” Canadians like me, unable to become entrepreneurs. -
Carmen Ciubotariu commented on Whistleblowing in Ontario: What Are Your Rights 2025-01-31 08:55:03 -0500I am searching for a job, anywhere outside the federal agencies, because PSPC revoked my security clearance after working as group leader for 5 days, appreciated for my work ethics-I’ll write the reason below.
It looks like I went too far in my search for justice. I am punished very hard-too hard- for my …stupidity.
2019 January- After a torture of about 3 months, while V creates a very negative and toxic work environment for and around me, I am fired, to her pleasure and satisfaction. LB, the Director at that time, encouraged V in a very cynical and villain way.
I have asked for the support from the union – N – did attend some flash meetings for me and V. I lose all rights to appeal because I’m fired so early in the year.
Many months later, MM-leader from the union- contacts me to say how awful I was treated by V and assigns the analysis of my “file” to J-same as below, but I do not hear from them anything likely due to the covid-19 period.
On October the 24th 2018, there is an online training session about mental health and I felt somehow strongly that I should have my voice heard…by doing copy and paste of the three deeply negative testimonials collected by LB, for my termination file. I feel that many persons should read them in order to realize what torture I have [passed through from September 2018 to January 2019, while working on a CR-04 position, for business support of Workplace 2.0, under the management of Veronique McQuillan whi was recently arrived, transferred and promoted from Environment Canada to PSPC, following her recent marriage to a very influential man whose name I do not know.
In May 2024 some miracle happened and I was hired by Prologic systems, for a ten-months contract, under the management of the same J (didn’t know initially, but he clarified this with me later, at the first attempt to “break-the-untold rules” at a mental health course available to employees of PSPC only, that I was able to attend because the SABA – CSPS system allowed the registration, without a NIP number.
J was very kind with me and told me that there was nothing to do as I was promptly terminated by V and Lucie Boureau. He also explained that LB had made other victims like me and the union succeeded to oblige her go for retirement earlier than she wanted. J also thought that the union would recommend that V is transferred to another Federal department, however, he is surprised to find out, at my 2nd wrong gesture, that V was simply moved to another team within PSPC. My second wrong gesture was to sign up-again- for a course on SABA where…it turned out that V was the instructor-she finds this out the eve of the course session, as we were only two registered persons for her course- I didn’t know either that she was the instructor, until I received the meeting invite in OutLook.
As soon as I confirmed attendance for the session next day, V triggers the security chain that messages/warns J that again Carmen is taking a SABA course without permission. That day, J called for a Teams online meeting, with VdR, me and himself where I had given my word that it wont ever happen again, to sign up for a course for employees-only. However, the course on Civility was the natural continuation of the mental health course that I attended 2 months before, and knowing that V complained for my termination file, that I demonstrated lack of civility during the team meetings and the ombudsman had encouraged her to claim this about my behavior I truly hoped that progress in terms of civility and respect for colleagues has made a great progress, after the covid period.
Indeed, there was an excellent and well prepared session where situations similar to my torture events in 2018-19, were described in the group discussions of the course. So, I couldn’t resist, I became emotional and dared to only type in the chat that V and LB have deteriorated my mental health and life with behaviors very similar to those described during the session. This allowed me realize that I was not the only one that was tortured by employees that are expected to run a human and positive management rather than cynical and negative. The two instructors of the course have immediately requested that I delete my comment from the chat (I had given the two names and I shouldn’t) which I did as soon as I could, however, the course instructors have already reported my actions to security and to J and-or C-the highest level manager of the SPAC team where I was working.
Thus, it turns out that I had accumulated too many non-allowed actions and my security clearance has been cancelled from all placement agencies and I was escorted to the door last Friday, because the current contract that I was so happy to obtain, requires NATO-level secret clearance. Thus, I will not be able to obtain any other agency-found contract with the government of Canada, the main possible employer for “new” Canadians like me, unable to become entrepreneurs. -
Carmen Ciubotariu commented on Conversations with Legislators 2025-01-31 08:50:22 -0500I am searching for a job, anywhere outside the federal agencies, because PSPC revoked my security clearance after working as group leader for 5 days, appreciated for my work ethics-I’ll write the reason below.
It looks like I went too far in my search for justice. I am punished very hard-too hard- for my …stupidity.
2019 January- After a torture of about 3 months, while V creates a very negative and toxic work environment for and around me, I am fired, to her pleasure and satisfaction. LB, the Director at that time, encouraged V in a very cynical and villain way.
I have asked for the support from the union – N – did attend some flash meetings for me and V. I lose all rights to appeal because I’m fired so early in the year.
Many months later, MM-leader from the union- contacts me to say how awful I was treated by V and assigns the analysis of my “file” to J-same as below, but I do not hear from them anything likely due to the covid-19 period.
On October the 24th 2018, there is an online training session about mental health and I felt somehow strongly that I should have my voice heard…by doing copy and paste of the three deeply negative testimonials collected by LB, for my termination file. I feel that many persons should read them in order to realize what torture I have [passed through from September 2018 to January 2019, while working on a CR-04 position, for business support of Workplace 2.0, under the management of Veronique McQuillan who was recently arrived, transferred and promoted from Environment Canada to PSPC, following her recent marriage to a very influential man whose name I do not know.
In May 2024 some miracle happened and I was hired by Prologic systems, for a ten-months contract, under the management of the same J (didn’t know initially, but he clarified this with me later, at the first attempt to “break-the-untold rules” at a mental health course available to employees of PSPC only, that I was able to attend because the SABA – CSPS system allowed the registration, without a NIP number.
J was very kind with me and told me that there was nothing to do as I was promptly terminated by V and Lucie Boureau. He also explained that LB had made other victims like me and the union succeeded to oblige her go for retirement earlier than she wanted. J also thought that the union would recommend that V is transferred to another Federal department, however, he is surprised to find out, at my 2nd wrong gesture, that V was simply moved to another team within PSPC. My second wrong gesture was to sign up-again- for a course on SABA where…it turned out that V was the instructor-she finds this out the eve of the course session, as we were only two registered persons for her course- I didn’t know either that she was the instructor, until I received the meeting invite in OutLook.
As soon as I confirmed attendance for the session next day, V triggers the security chain that messages/warns J that again Carmen is taking a SABA course without permission. That day, J called for a Teams online meeting, with VdR, me and himself where I had given my word that it wont ever happen again, to sign up for a course for employees-only. However, the course on Civility was the natural continuation of the mental health course that I attended 2 months before, and knowing that V complained for my termination file, that I demonstrated lack of civility during the team meetings and the ombudsman had encouraged her to claim this about my behavior I truly hoped that progress in terms of civility and respect for colleagues has made a great progress, after the covid period.
Indeed, there was an excellent and well prepared session where situations similar to my torture events in 2018-19, were described in the group discussions of the course. So, I couldn’t resist, I became emotional and dared to only type in the chat that V and LB have deteriorated my mental health and life with behaviors very similar to those described during the session. This allowed me realize that I was not the only one that was tortured by employees that are expected to run a human and positive management rather than cynical and negative. The two instructors of the course have immediately requested that I delete my comment from the chat (I had given the two names and I shouldn’t) which I did as soon as I could, however, the course instructors have already reported my actions to security and to J and-or C-the highest level manager of the SPAC team where I was working.
Thus, it turns out that I had accumulated too many non-allowed actions and my security clearance has been cancelled from all placement agencies and I was escorted to the door last Friday, because the current contract that I was so happy to obtain, requires NATO-level secret clearance. Thus, I will not be able to obtain any other agency-found contract with the government of Canada, the main possible employer for “new” Canadians like me, unable to become entrepreneurs. -
Carmen Ciubotariu commented on Whistleblower Mental Health 2025-01-31 08:37:40 -0500Will attend. My security clearance has been cancelled and I was sent home on my 5th day on the job. Public is not affected, only the employees and contractors that know the toxic workplace.