Whistleblowing by Nurses: Specificities and implications for safety cultures in care settings


About Amelie Perron:

Amélie Perron is a Nurse researcher and Full Professor at the School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa. She is also Co-President of the Nursing Observatory, which is dedicated to critical analyses of issues impacting the nursing workforce. She is especially interested in nurses’ ability to raise concerns in challenging healthcare environments where unsafe, reprehensible or illegal events may occur. She approaches whistleblowing as an organizational rather than individual phenomenon, shifting the focus to institutional arrangements that facilitate or hinder the flow of critical information. Her clinical nursing practice is grounded in institutional and community mental health and crisis intervention with marginalized and vulnerable populations.

April 26, 2023 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Pamela Forward · · 236-317-3949

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