Ethical Climate & Audits

Another tool for assessing your organizations readiness to successfully implement a whistleblowing policy and procedure is an Ethical Audit.  This can be adapted to your needs and should give you a baseline reading on the ethical climate in your organization.  A basic tool for guiding an ethical audit is “The Dysfunctional Dozen”, which can be found under Dysfunctional Cultures.  For more tips, see below.

Tips for Organizations


Some examples of what organizations are doing:


“ IWK Health centre starting whistleblowing tip line”

New 'wrongdoing policy' will allow people throughout hospital to report concerns anonymously

Marina von Stackelberg 

CBC News · Posted: Feb 13, 2018 9:00 AM AT

Tip line 'something that good organizations do'

When asked what prompted the decision to create the new whisteblowing policy, Hutt said it was "best practice."


“NHS non-disclosure agreements to end, vows Matt Hancock”

Health secretary says staff should not have to compromise their job for patient safety

The Guardian

The health secretary has vowed to end the use of non-disclosure agreements that prevent would-be NHS whistleblowers speaking out.

Matt Hancock said he wanted more people to feel they could “put their head above the parapet”, and described settlement agreements that infringed on people’s rights to voice concerns as “completely inappropriate”.

We stand with whistleblowers,” Hancock said. “Making someone choose between the job they love and speaking the truth to keep patients safe is an injustice I am determined to end.

