- Publisher: Whistleblowing Canada
March 17, 2021
Prince Edward Island Public Interest Disclosure and Whistleblower Protection Act - Comparison with International Best Practices
Prince Edward Island's Public Interest Disclosure and Whistleblower Protection Act was assented to on December 20, 2017, and is not in force as of Sept. 2021. This is good news as a recent analysis indicates this legislation is badly lacking when it comes to doing what the title suggests - encouraging public interest disclosures of wrongdoing by protecting whistleblowers. Perhaps it can be fixed before it is implemented.
- Publisher: The Star - Op ED
Sept. 18, 2020
Authors: Pamela Forward and Edgar Schmidt
Governments Failing to Address Weak Whistleblower Legislation
- Publisher: Financial Times Global Legal Hackathon
May 22, 2020
Authors: Canadian COVID 19 Accountability Group – Whistleblowing Canada a contributing member.
Protecting Whistleblowers and Increasing Transparency in Canada in the age of COVID - 19
- Publisher: Whistleblowing Canada
Aug. 20, 2020
Summary: Corporate Vision, Purpose, Mission and Direction
- Publisher: The Conversation
October 30, 2019
Author - Paloma Raggo, Board Member, Whistleblowing Canada
If the Trump whistleblowers lived in Canada, they’d face serious risks
Whistleblowers put their careers, and sometimes their safety, on the line to protect democratic ideals and the public interest.
- Publisher: Carleton University
June, 2017
Author - Pamela Forward, Board member, Whistleblowing Canada
Law, Culture and Reprisals: A Qualitative Case Study of Whistleblowing and Health Canada’s Drug Approval Process.
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