
Would you like to learn about the latest work on developing effective systems for supporting employees to come forward if they have serious concerns?  Or perhaps learn more about encouraging healthy, speak-up workplaces?  If so, call us to book one of our professionals to speak at an event or as part of your staff training Program.  

Here are some suggested topics:

Psychosocial Impacts of Whistleblowing and Reprisals.

Organizational Culture and Whistleblowing. The invisible forces driving reprisals.

Why Canada's Failed Whistleblower Protection Law Comes Last. 

Whistleblowing: Necessary to Democratic Governance.  

Whistleblower Protection Laws in Canada's Provinces.  How Many Contain Globally Recognized Best Practices?

Expansion of Whistleblower Reward Programs in the US, Canada and Globally. 

Email - [email protected]

Tel.  236-317-3949  

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